Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is Wasatch Adventure Boot Camp and What does it mean to be "Fit for Adventure"?

Some of you might be wondering what I've been up to and what exactly is Wasatch Adventure Boot Camp?

Back in June, while at a seminar for the International Kettlebell & Fitness Federation, I met a couple people who were running Adventure Boot Camps in their home towns. After talking and learning from them over the weekend, I came home and did more research about the camps. I talked with some friends who run some camps in Arizona, Ron and Jana Holland, and decided to open an Adventure Boot Camp here in Salt Lake. I went through the extensive training to be certified as an Adventure Boot Camp Fitness instructor and started a location here. Adventure Boot Camps began in California and have now grown internationally. There are over 300 locations in the world. It's the biggest Fitness Boot Camp around. A guy by the name of John Spencer Ellis started it. He's also founder of NESTA.

Adventure Boot Camps are just what the name says. It's a fitness Adventure that takes you out of the gym setting. Its outdoors (indoors most days during Utah’s winters). It's an hour a day 3-5 days a week and four weeks long. Here's the kicker. The first camp starts at 5:30 a.m. I know what you're thinking. Yes, it's early, especially for a non-morning person like myself. My Dad is the only person I know who has consistently woken up at that time for years, but hey it's through change that we grow, right? : ) It's the "no excuse" hour that gets us out of bed and we have nothing to worry about but the camp. Afterwards, your workout is done for the day. No more dreading about finding time for exercising with your busy schedules.

The more I looked into the business model, the more I realized it was something I wanted to be a part of. My goals have changed the last couple years when it comes to fitness. I'm not worried about trying to be the biggest, toughest around (although I can still kick my brother Ty's butt). I'm now focused on being functionally fit so I'm able to do the activities I love and having energy to get through my day. Thats what being "Fit for Adventure" means.

Check here often to see what we're up to and see some of the Adventures we're having.
Thanks for listening. Also a huge Thanks to Travis Gneiting for the awesome work on the website (http://www.wasatchbootcamp.com/) and to Coby Strom with http://www.decalzz.net/ for turning my truck from a gas guzzler to now a gas guzzling moving billboard.

Until next time,
Life is an Adventure, train for it!


Keri Hennefer said...

Awesome Blog Bradley! I am so proud of the good guy and brother that you are! I wish I lived closer so I could do the 4 week course, but you know whenever I'm up there, I'll be at the classes! Nice job!

John and Mikelle Hafen said...

right on!

Jill Bowcutt said...

You know I'm in. And I'm going to bring as many people with me as I can. There's no need to suffer alone right? I can't wait to get started!